Our Pearl Pod.

We have been students of Dominic Liber, studying Inquiry as created by the Diamond Approach. All members have been through, or are in, Inquiry courses.

If you are interested in joining our pod, email me at michael@pearlpod.space.

The inner world and mental health

Inquiry involves exploring your inner world. This will bring you in touch with your emotional life, and at times will bring up your history. This may potentially include any past traumatic experience. If you have mental health concerns, consult your care professional before you go diving. Inquiry is a practice of discovering and exploring what is present in your psyche, but it is not therapy of any kind, nor a replacement for therapy.

We’re peers, coming together to further our inquiry practice

We’re here to create a field of presence, a space in which to explore our experience with openness and curiosity.

We acknowledge that difficult material may arise from time to time, and that this exploration may occasionally create reactivity. As we open ourselves to whatever arises, we commit to providing mutual emotional support and a holding environment for each other.

Above all, we want this to be a safe space in which people are able to show up fully – unguarded and open to whatever emerges. This is the purpose of our group.

We’re aware of the limitations of such a group. We do not have a teacher. We’re all peers, showing up as equals. We don’t seek to advise each other, and while reflection and feedback happens, we don’t comment on another person’s process or the content of their inquiry without their consent. We respect the confidentiality of each other’s inquiries and we encourage people to respect their own boundaries.

Should a situation arise in which any person’s inquiry causes distress to themselves or the group, or disrupts the ability of the group to fulfil its purpose as a viable space for open inquiry, then we may ask that person to seek support from an external source such as a therapist or teacher. This will only ever be done out of concern for the individual and the preservation of the group’s main objective (to remain a valuable space for open inquiry).